Key:     This is all pretty self explanatory, but here's a simple key.
+-+       |  X = X  |  C = Circle  |  Sq = Square  |  T = Triangle  |

| UL  U  UR  | Notes: --When a plus [+] is listed, press both at the same time
|   \ |  /   |          (R + Sq) press Right on the D-Pad and press Square simultaneously
| L-- N--R   |
|   / | \    |        --When a comma [,] is listed, there is a delay in button presses.
| DL  D  DR  |          (U, L, Sq) press Up, press Left, and then press square.  At no
'------------'                     time should you be pressing two things at once.


One Notice:

     You'll notice that in the Square Commands section, some moves are listed as
Vert Character only/Street Character Only.  Each skater is either a Vert or Street
skater.  This means that a Vert Char. Only move cannot be done by a Street Char.
In the Signature Moves section, I've listed the characters and which kind of
skater they are. on to the good part!!!

Circle Commands:

Command:     Move Name:             Points:      Notes:

U + C        Japan Air              367          Hold all grab moves longer for more points
D + C        Tail Grab              315
L + C        Method                 315
R + C        Indy Nosebone          315
UL + C       Madonna                525
UR + C       Rocket Air             367
DL + C       Stalefish              315
DR + C       Benihana               420

Square Commands:

Command:     Move Name:             Points:      Notes:

U + Sq       Shove it              250
D + Sq       Impossible             250
L + Sq       Kickflip              100
R + Sq       Heelflip              100
UL + Sq      Kickflip to Indy       625
UR + Sq      Finger Flip            600         (Vert Characters Only)
UR + Sq      Hardflip              300         (Street Characters Only)
DL + Sq      Varial              800         (Vert Characters Only)
DL + Sq      Sex Change             500         (Street Characters Only)
DR + Sq      Front Foot Impossible  600         (Vert Characters Only)
DR + Sq      360 Flip              300

Triangle Commands:

Command:     Move Name:             Points:      Notes:

T            Wall Ride              variable
U + T        Nose Grind             variable
U + T        Handplant              variable
N + T        50-50 Grind            variable    (Neutral and Triangle)
D + T        5-0 Grind              variable
UR + T       Crooked Grind          variable
DL + T       Smith Grind            variable

X Commands:

Command:     Move Name:             Points:      Notes:

X            Ollie                  0
L/R + X      180 Ollie              50          (For every 180º, add 50 points)
U + X        Nollie                 200
U, U + X     Fastplant              250         (Or, hold X, Press U, U, Release X)

Shoulder Button Commands:

L1           180 Spin (left)
R1           180 Spin (right)
L2           Variable Spin (left)
R2           Variable Spin (right)

Signature Moves Sorted By Character (for ease!)

Skater:           Move Name:              Button Press:          Points:

Bob Burnquist:    Backflip                U, D, C                4000
(Vert)            Burntwist               L, U + T               5000
                  One Footed Smith        R, R, T                Varies

Kareem Campbell:  Frontflip               D, U, C                4000
(Street)          Kickflip Underflip      L, R, Sq               1500
                  Casper Slide            U, D, T                Varies

Rune Glifberg:    Kickflip McTwist        R, R, C                4000
(Vert)            Christ Air              L, R, C                2100
                  Front-Back Kickflip     U, D, Sq               1575

Tony Hawk:        540 Board Varial        L, L, Sq               2000
(Vert)            360 Flip to Mute        D, R, Sq               1500
                  Kickflip McTwist        R, R, C                4000
                  THE 900                 R, D, C                8000!

Bucky Lasek:      Fingerflip Airwalk      L, R, C                2000
(Vert)            Varial Heelflip Judo    D, U, Sq               2500
                  Kickflip McTwist        R, R, C                4000

Chad Muska:       Frontflip               D, U, C                4000
(Street)          360 Shove It-Rewind     R, R, Sq               1500
                  One Footed 5-0 Thumpin  R, D, T                Varies

Andrew Reynolds:  Backflip                U, D, C                4000
(Street)          Triple Kickflip         L, L, Sq               1500
                  Heelflip to Bluntslide  D, D, T                Varies

Geoff Rowley:     Backflip                U, D, C                4000
(Street)          Double Hardflip         R, D, Sq               1500
                  Darkslide               L, R, T                Varies

Elissa Steamer:   Backflip                U, D, C                4000
(Street)          Judo Madonna            L, D, C                1500
                  Primo Grind             L, L, T                Varies

Jaime Thomas:     Frontflip               D, U, C                4000
(Street)          540 Flip                L, D, Sq               1500
                  One Footed Nosegrind    U, U, T                Varies

Officer Dick:     Yeehaw Frontflip        D, U, C                4000
(Vert/Street)     Assume the Position     L, L, C                1575
(READ BELOW!)     Neckbreak Grind         L, R, T                Varies

This is a secret character that can be obtained by getting all the video tapes in the
game.  They are scattered across all/many of the levels.  He's an old fat cop, but can
skate pretty well and has some cool moves!  He is listed as Vert/Street b/c it seems as
if he has moves of both!


These codes have not yet been confirmed, though they are from a reliable source.
I'll be checking them soon, so if they don't work,

Special Meter Always Full:
     1.  Pause the game and hold L1
     2.  While holding L1, press X, Triangle, Circle, Down, Up, Right.

Big Head Mode:
     1.  Pause the game and hold L1
     2.  While holding L1, press Square, Circle, Up, Left, Left.

Pump Stats to 10: (unsure exactly what this does)
     1.  Pause the game and hold L1
     2.  While holding L1, press Square, Triangle, Up, Down.

Pump Stats to 13: (unsure exactly what this does)
     1.  Pause the game and hold L1
     2.  While holding L1, press X, Triangle, Circle, Down, Up, Right.


GSCCC ( has over 100 GameShark codes.  Check them out!



Thanks to a ton of ppl who helped out on my Online FAQ, and especially to 64 Chimp for
helping out w/ most of the signatures.  Rock on!


These documents Copyright (c) 1999 Trevor Esposito ([email protected])

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater and all aspects thereof are Copyright (c) 1998-1999
Activision and Neversoft.

This FAQ cannot be reproduced or distributed in any way without consent from the
author, nor can it be used for profit.